Lost Inventions

While our main focus is helping inventors develop and patent new technologies which could potentially make the world better, VentorBridge is also interested in lost inventions: things once discovered which might have changed the world, had they not (for whatever reason) been lost again. This page and those linked to it document our ongoing research into these.

Lost Inventions 2017

Initial studies on the Baghdad Battery, re-created based on 2000-year-old remains unearthed near Baghdad in the 1930’s, along with some educated guesses. It worked!

(As presented at Dragon Con 2017, Sept. 1-4 in Atlanta, GA, in the Museum of Alternate History.)

Lost Inventions 2018

Further studies on the Baghdad Battery. Identification of the most plausible acid likely to have been used for best performance.

(As presented at Dragon Con 2018, Aug. 30 – Sept. 3 in Atlanta, GA, in the Museum of Alternate History.)